
958. New Perspectives

Heart by-pass...
the tulip sprouts never
looked so good.


Masago said...

Heart by-pass...
the tulip sprouts never
looked so good.

Link with 957: Illness.

[Several different friends of ours in the past year have undergone heart surgery in one form or another. This haiku expresses what a believe some of them felt after coming through the ordeal. In one case recently the operation involved spending six hours on the operating table.]

Anonymous said...

I like the two images in this one. Heart by-pass and sprouting tulips go well side-by-side.

Pamela said...

my brother in law died the last week of May of cancer. He knew he was... early in the month he said he didn't think he'd ever seen the Rhodedendrons bloom with such color.

your haiku rings so true, and so close to the heart

Anonymous said...

...to die and to revive...A very interesting and beautiful juxtaposition: "by-pass" / "sprouts", winter's lethargy / power of life in spring sprouts.
A remarkable poem!
Thank you for sharing.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

surviving is wonderful -- a new look at life

floots said...

it's a great moment
like that first real drink of water after being "nil by mouth"

John McDonald said...

touching true image

polona said...

yes, this rings so true... excellent!

Pat Paulk said...

I reckon so!! Better to look down on them rather than straight up at 'em.

Masago said...

Aurora: Thank you.

Pamela: I'm so sorry for you...I know a little of how you feel, my wife's mother died of heart disease last October.

Dana-Maria: Thanks, you have highlighted some major aspects of this haiku.

Andrew: Yes, something I want to start doing more each day. Thank you.

Floots: Thanks...not sure what "Nil by Mouth" is. If you get a chance, please explain (I googled but didn't turn up anything that made sense).

John: Thanks.

Pat: Such a poignant remark.

Gabi Greve said...

seeing life again
after passing death -
another spring

As a medical doctor, I saw so many cases of this ...

a very touching haiku, Masago san! GABI

floots said...

hi vaughn
"nil by mouth" is the instruction give to nurses re a patient (often post operation) and it means no food or liquid
if you're "lucky" you may get a drip of water off a glass rod
i was trying to say how spring/flowers etc reminded me of that moment when i was allowed my first real drink fro a cup - back in the world

Borut said...

To me, 'the eternal dreamer', this one is, also, a perfect illustraion of the 'way of the heart' ...!:)Great!

Masago said...

Gabi: Thank you for your kind words. I'm sure your heart has gone out too many times to count.

Floots: Thanks, that makes a lot of sense...those wee nurses can be a pain in the toosh, eh?

Borut: Thank you so much!