
Rengay Through the Seasons #26 [1]

by Jon Davey (jd), and Vaughn Seward (vs);
Rengay #26 (Feb 24 - Mar 1, 2008) Verse 1 (of 6):

Hail storm — sparrow and sparrowhawk / sheltered in a blackthorn. /jd

This rengay was written with Jon Davey who was born in Redruth, England. He gained a degree in English and European Thought & Literature from the Cambridge College of Art and Technology and later became a primary school teacher in Camborne, Cornwall. Jon is now living in a converted barn in the small village of Brea with partner Philippa and family. Jon began writing haiku in the early 1980's.

Masago and Jon were partners in a couple of Off-the-Wall Rengay exercises in July, 2007:


[Off-the-Wall: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/offthewallhaiku/]

*Hail in Britain, where Jon is from, can occur at any time of the year, including early spring.

Click here for the previous rengay in the series.


John McDonald said...

nice start

Borut said...

The common foe... Bringing peace ... Relative peace...

jem said...

Good one - lots of potential pain here (hail, beak, thorn).

polona said...

promising start - looking forward to the rest :)

Masago said...

Andrew: It's coming... :-)

John: Thanks.

Borut: So true.

Jem: :-) Thanks.

Polona: Thank you.