
Rengay Through the Seasons #20 Summary

by Masago: Rengay #20 (Jan 13-19, 2008) Summary

Dipping a Bit More

on a branch... it dips
a bit more.

Family dinner — garlic salt
on a stick of celery.

Athletic club —
another gulp before
pressing thirty.

Siphoned gas —
on the way back the can
grows heavier.

Sudden blizzard... we taxi
back down the runway.

Bowheads enter
an arctic bay... plumes spray
from blowholes.

The theme here is "Weight" and is represented by the two extremes of weight from Light (v. 1 & 2) to Heavy (v. 5 & 6), and with the lifting of weights in between (v. 3 & 4).

A unique aspect of this rengay is that it has in it links that alternate between Echo/Reflection (1-2, 3-4, 5-6) and Scent (2-3, 4-5, 6-1). A reflection (or echo) link is where the one verse mirrors the objects and/or actions of the other verse but in a different setting. For example, the garlic salt sprinkled on the celery in verse 2 is a reflection of the snowflakes falling on the branch in verse 1.

A Scent link is where the one verse matches the feeling that is present in the other verse. For example, the feeling in verse 4 of being stranded without gas is matched with the feeling of being stranded at an airport in verse 5.
Please click here for link details and other notes:


Click here for the previous rengay in the series.


Pamela said...

No wonder it made me anxious -- it was about weight. bwa hahaha.

as always - wonderful!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

interesting -- more, more! :)

Borut said...

Layers upon layers of truth... I guess I feel like a bowhead barely able to speak English: Whaaa, who could fathom it all...!?:)

floots said...

very interesting
see - i was way off your intention
(i should get out more) :)

polona said...

i wasn't far off with 'pressure' then

Ričardas said...

great sequence of weight and scents

Masago said...

Pamela: *ha, ha* Thank you!

Andrew: Thank you muchly.

Borut: Don't we all feel that way some days. :-) Thank you. P.S. I'd love to see your photo in your blog thumbnail. Any chance of seeing that?

Floots: On the contrary, I think you actually might get out more than me. Thanks.

Polona: Yes, there is some form of pressure in each verse (and some times there is pressure writing these rengay verses properly). :-) Well done & many thanks.

Ričardas: Thank you!