[When I was about five the family went on a camping trip to the mountains. There is a place called Lake Louise where a lovely path winds along one side of the Lake. My sister and I were okay walking to the end of the lake but on the way back we both started whining about how tired we were. We were pleased with the solution that Mom and Dad eventually came up with.]
From "The Haiku Anthology" I became interested in Haiku and I have since written numerous haiku, senyru, and tanka. "Masago", my haiku pen-name, means "grain(s) of sand" in Japanese. I have recently started learning Esperanto and Japanese. A few years ago I developed a new eastern verse form which we now call 'Renhai'.
1025. The Whining
Lake path -
Dad piggybacks me
on the return.
Link with 1024: Lakeside.
[When I was about five the family went on a camping trip to the mountains. There is a place called Lake Louise where a lovely path winds along one side of the Lake. My sister and I were okay walking to the end of the lake but on the way back we both started whining about how tired we were. We were pleased with the solution that Mom and Dad eventually came up with.]
brings back memories...
sharp memories.
Lucky you. I would've gotten left. Maybe that's why we always went on those long walks...
i was once left behind. and it wasn't a long walk. result? bruised knees and a bucketful of shed tears :)
Andrew, Pamela, John: Thanks.
Pat: *LOL* I suppose you learned to walk even when you got tired (and that there's no point in whining). :-)
Polona: Aw, I'm feelin' bad for ya.
love to re-live these moments
thank you
Floots: Thanks.
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