
Rengay Through the Seasons #35 [1-6]

by John McDonald (jd), and Vaughn Seward (vs);
Rengay #35 (Apr 27 - May 3, 2008) Verses 1-6 (of 6):

First day out / learning to be a rabbit — tree-bark scattered. /jm
New postal job — he opens / a gate with "Beware of Dog". /vs
The young mother / gives the infant her breast — the crying stops. /jm
Erupting curses — the rookie mason nearly / hits his chisel. /vs
Another wrong note — she bangs the keyboard. /jm
He discovers how / to get under her skin: on, off... louder... /jm

Click here for the previous rengay in the series.


Janice Thomson said...

Would the theme be 'learning curve'?

polona said...

we all learn by experience, don't we?

Pamela said...

My first thoughts are first responses.
Thats probably much too simple.

Masago said...

Janice: Very, very close. Thanks.

Polona: For sure. ;-)

Pamela: First steps must be taken by us all. Thank you.