
Renhai Reflections: A Measure

A Measure

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Veterans chat
outside the grocery store —
boxes of poppies. /jt

A cluster of large mushrooms — /vs
the World War ll movie ends. /jt

Military funeral —
the General's badges hang
a little heavier. /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Familiar Smells

Familiar Smells

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

I peek out the tent...
in the dark by the garbage,
two shiny eyes. /vs

In the flowers, an odour... /jt
the mutt charges in. /vs

Early morning —
striped figures skulking past
dew-laden roses. /jt

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections: Let the Fun Begin

Let the Fun Begin

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

cheerleader's pompoms
entering the stadium
a line of traffic /gc

popcorn smells from the kitchen — /vs
the puppy's tail a-wagging /gc

a beach-side resort —
shaved ice cone in one hand,
hot-dog in the other /vs

Click here for notes and linking details: