
Renhai Reflections: Day's End

Day's End

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

all her trinkets stored
in the closed jewel box —
the music stops /gc

a wrench, bolts, and a spare tire /vs
the lamplight casting shadows /gc

second performance —
the understudy receives
a louder applause /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections: Left Behind

Left Behind

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

bits of black paint
on the rear left fender —
"sorry" note... /vs

lingering afternoon heat — /jd
ants on a Popsicle stick /vs

melted chocolate —
footprints leading to the door
cross a white carpet /jd

Click here for notes and linking details: