
Rengay Through the Seasons #47 [1-6]

by Masago: Rengay #47 (Jul 20-26, 2008), Verses 1-6 (of 6)

A gray cloud / drifts into the dirt — rain puddle.
A new neighbour moves in — the gopher pops down its hole.
Cuckoo, cuckoo — stillness returns to this / hot afternoon.
Clock tower — the big hand passes over / the little hand.
Totem pole at dusk — the moon slips behind.
Sky reflections — our paddles sweep away / the big dipper.

Click here for the previous rengay in the series.


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I love the last one! It brings a picture to my mind - a sound of water, too.

John McDonald said...

loved this one

Borut said...

A dipper-full of things to reflect upon!:)
I'd interpret the whole series as: It's hight time to leave all star lore behind and go deeper. Aiming for the Greater Knowledge (of eternal truths), and leaving behind the Lesser Knowledge of Analytic-Synthetic kind.

polona said...

that's an exquisite haiku in its own right, and it rounds up this rengay wonderfully.

Masago said...

Andrew: Thanks!

John: Thank you.

Borut: Wow, I'm with ya! Thanks. :-)

Polona: You are very kind, thanks.