
Renhai Reflections 156: Come & Gone

Come & Gone

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Seeds and husks
scattered below an empty
bird feeder.

Hanging morning ice fog —
tiny critter prints.

Post-brunch table —
left behind, an opened box
of animal crackers.

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Renhai Reflections 155: Rendering Service

Rendering Service

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Hand to bottom —
after ten hours, a new cry
comes to life. /vs

Waiting for the doctor — /jd
framed veterinary degree. /vs

On my jawbone
the vibrations of a drill —
a gold filling /jd

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Renhai Reflections 154: Latter Moments

Latter Moments

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Christmas Eve —
from shop to shop between
singing carols. /jt

Juggling street busker — /vs
a hot-dog cart moves nearer. /jt

Paying the bills —
another month closer
to retirement. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 153: Between


A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Snowy pines —
the squirrel again finds
his pine cones.

Two standing soldiers —
cigarette burning down.

Grocery line —
for the coming week,
provisions in hand.

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[This Renhai was written in Esperanto and translated into English (see the notes for the Esperanto version). It was also an experiment in a new approach to writing renhai. That is, each verse was written without concern for a theme, only about the links between each verse. With the linking itself, the focus was at the emotional level and less at the object or intellectual level. As it turned out, a theme emerged all on its own.]


Renhai Reflections 152: Drained


A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Closure notice —
in the shower stalls
silent echoes. /jt

Seagull on the board's tip — /vs
goggles at the drain pipe. /jt

Looking down
into the last few drops —
paper cup. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 151: Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Torn wallpaper
dangling in the breeze —
abandoned building. /jd

Desert winter blossoms - /jd
snake skin shed between spokes. /vs

Derelict bomber -
all but the engine between
stony outcroppings. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 150: Uncommon Canvas

Uncommon Canvas

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Leaves afloat —
the neighbor's tires
splashed with red. /jt

Chilly rains melt the garden — /jt
kitten tracks across the hood. /vs

Crayoned scenes
blend with safari photos —
fridge magnets. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 149: Continuing On

Continuing On

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

The sports car
screeches past the others —
changing red...

Branch of laden mountain ash —
a blue jay glides downward.

Crash of pins —
the black ball rolls through,
dropping behind.

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