
Renhai Reflections: Day's End

Day's End

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

all her trinkets stored
in the closed jewel box —
the music stops /gc

a wrench, bolts, and a spare tire /vs
the lamplight casting shadows /gc

second performance —
the understudy receives
a louder applause /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:


John McDonald said...

another fine effort

Bill said...

Intriguing connections.

Masago said...

Thanks John, Bill!

Pamela said...

that first stanza makes me think of my almost 103 year old aunt. She still takes her ear rings off an stores them in her little box.

Masago said...

Pamela: Thanks. Wow 103... blessings on her!

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