
679. Perspective

the earth stands
on the soles of my feet...
who's on top?


Gabi Greve said...

testing the ground
my roots grow deeper
and deeper

Just back from two days of pilgrimage in rocky slippery country, where we needed deep roots to make sure not to drop off mother earth ...

. Shiraishi Pilgrimage .

floots said...

good point
"been down so long it looks like up to me" - who said that
probably sleepy john estes
(he's usually a safe bet)

Masago said...

Gabi: ...one needs to hang on. :-)

Floots: right, its good to see things from another's perspective now and then. Thanks.

Ryan: I'm pleased it got you thinking.

Pat Paulk said...

Vaughn, great question!! Great 'ku!!

polona said...

something to think about...

Anonymous said...

good question

Masago said...

Pat: Thanks.

Polona: Glad to be of service. :-)

Ruthanne: Thanks.