
Rengay Through the Seasons #28 [1-6]

by Masago: Rengay #28 (Mar 9-15, 2008), Verses 1-6 (of 6)

Longer days — toys begin to emerge / from the snow.
We scour the beach for shells / and trinkets — low tide.
Past forty — each morning's combing, more forehead.
Opening bell — trading starts lower / yet again.
Spring fashion sale — in my size, gone!
Sinking sun — the last rays glimmer / on the tree tops.

Click here for the previous rengay in the series.


floots said...

changing seasons and intimations of mortality
in this series you have matched my current mood oh so well
thank you

John McDonald said...

enjoyed this one

polona said...

the waning light rounds up the cycle (and your rengay) perfectly

Masago said...

Floots: You have indeed tapped into the essence of this set of verses. Hopefully a later rengay in this series will unrecede your mood. :-)

John: Thanks.

Polona: Thank you so much.

Andrew: Thank you!