
Rengay Through the Seasons #52 [1-3]

by Gary Gay (gg) and Vaughn Seward (vs);
Rengay #48 (Aug 24-30, 2008) Verses 1-3 (of 6):

Summer thunder — fireflies blink among / the tall corn. /gg
Corndogs in each hand — we wade through the crowd. /vs
From the top / of the ferris wheel — so many stars. /gg

Click here for the previous rengay in the series.


John McDonald said...


Borut said...

Good ole star lore!:)

jem said...

This one is great. A real sense of space and dimension, and the phrase 'ferris wheel' is always so poetic.

(apologies for lumping you in with the U.S. in my comment yesterday - I need to read peoples bio's more thoroughly and remember that your continent has many countries on it!)

Janice Thomson said...

The stars would definitely be in my head at that height - love the layering in this.

polona said...

i love the layers in this one...
oh, but i see janice just said the same...

Masago said...

Thank you everyone, on behalf of Gary.

JEM: No problem. :-)