
633. Chocolate Displays

chocolate displays
sprout up everywhere...
spring in the mall


Gabi Greve said...

Here in Japan, it would read

chocolate displays
sprout up everywhere...
Valentine !

. Valentine's Day, a KIGO .

aaaa, I can imagine all these waistlines ...

. Happy Haiku Gallery .


floots said...

love the spring link

Pat Paulk said...

Chocolate goes with anything, but especially Spring/Easter!!

polona said...

chocolate is good at any time, but i agree - nice link to spring!

Nick Zegarac said...

A definite sign that you've entered the season of bunnies and eggs. Although Christmas and Valentine's too come to mind. Oh, hell - it's chocolate! Good any ol' time of the year. You don't need a reason - IT'S CHOCOLATE!!!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

and there goes my money ---

Anonymous said...

haha i love this one :) that's my kind of spring!