
1085. Scotch on the Rock

A sparrow hops
from one square to another —
chalk outline.


Masago said...

1086. Scotch on the Rock

A sparrow hops
from one square to another -
chalk outline.

Link with 1085: Children's game.

[It is often amusing to witness a non-human creature unintentionally do something "human".]

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

funny, I was thinking of a chalk outline at a murder scene. I need to clean out my mind! :)

floots said...

a sparrow playing hopscotch
this has brightened what was beginning to look like a "grey" day
many thanks

Borut said...

Seeing the big picture!?:)

John McDonald said...

amusing one vaughn

polona said...

cute one
title too :)

Masago said...

Sorry folks, I got the numbering a little off (I had 1085 & 1086 reversed), see the archive for the proper linkage:


Andrew: Ha! What you thought is understandable (but I wasn't intentionally trying to lead you astray). :-)

Floots: My pleasure, glad your day was brightened.

Borut: Maybe it is more clever than we think. But I'll start to wonder if it picks up a stone in its beak and then hops. ;-)

John: Thank you, John.

Polona: Thanks, I'm pleased you like the title.