
Rengay Through the Seasons #52 [1-2]

by Gary Gay (gg) and Vaughn Seward (vs);
Rengay #48 (Aug 24-30, 2008) Verses 1-2 (of 6):

Summer thunder — fireflies blink among / the tall corn. /gg
Corndogs in each hand — we wade through the crowd. /vs

Click here for the previous rengay in the series.


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I like both of these - thanks

Borut said...

The crowd: a perfect place for a corn-dog!?:)

John McDonald said...

looks good

jem said...

This ripening up in an interesting way. I wonder if your theme will be corn? At the moment I'm getting a distinctly U.S. atmosphere which is great - always good when writing has a clear regional flavour.

Janice Thomson said...

Don't like crowds but love the image you give us. An intriguing start here...

polona said...

interesting... i can still see a couple of ways this can go...

Pat Paulk said...

I'm a dog man myself. Be careful with the mustard this time.

Masago said...

Andrew: Thank you!

Borut: Ha, ha! Thanks.

John: Thanks.

Jem: Thank you... it could be US although I think it could fit in parts of Canada too. :-)

Janice: Thanks (I'm with you with respect to crowds).

Polona: Ah, the pleasure of reading a rengay for the first time (at least in this fashion). :-) Thanks.