
780. Not Here

power blackout —
i find the spot where
the flashlight isn't



J. Andrew Lockhart said...

perfect! hope this wasn't really going on.

Natalia L. Rudychev said...

Love it:)

Pat Paulk said...

Vaughn this is excellent!!! You are really nailing these lately!!

Masago said...

Floots: Aye there, laddy.

Dustin: Thanks.

Andrew: Thanks, well I did bump into a few things.

Tim: Thanks, mate.

Natalia: Thank you.

Pat: Thank you muchly, my friend.

Tikkis said...

flashed memory --
I am here?

Masago said...

Tikkis: Ah, to be or not to be, that is a question...(I think you're there, then am I?)