
Renhai Reflections 82: Against the Cold

Against the Cold

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Betty Kaplan (bk)
Written: April 16-20, 2008

Mountain hut —
we huddle around the one
cooking pancakes. /vs

Sheltered under a bridge — /vs
a homeless man finding warmth. /bk

Cold winter night —
she protects the outside plants
with plastic. /bk

Click here for notes and linking details:


Devika Jyothi said...

Good series, Masago

My heart goes out for the second one...


Emma Dalloway said...

I agree with Betty - 'finding' is more emotive. Your notes are a useful addition.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I see nothing good in cold weather and you both captured it perfectly.

Borut said...

Well done!:)

John McDonald said...

yes very well done

polona said...

seeking warmth... yep, this winter has been long enough i anyone asks me ;)

jem said...

Nice one - again very inclusive. Food, shelter, warmth. All important. A lot of love in this one too.

get zapped said...

Whoa, makes me chilly! Nice.

Masago said...

Thank you all on behalf of Betty and me.

Devika Jyothi said...

came for a new one, Masago

come again later :)


Janice Thomson said...

Well done indeed - one gets a good sense of the cold in these.