
831. Plea Bargain

i dream i ask
for a lighter sentence...
snooze button



polona said...

what have you done!?
enjoyed :)

Anonymous said...

I hope the goat was unharmed and I hope the other Freemasons forgave you! ;-)

John McDonald said...

gave me a good laugh very good vaugh

floots said...

nice take on that :)

Pat Paulk said...

Sleep, sleep, where's my sleep?? Love it!!

Anonymous said...

these past two you've written.... has somebody been missing out on sleep lately? ;)

Masago said...

Polona: Thanks. Luckily it was just a dream. :-)

Aurora: Thank you!

Tim: Thanks. Yes, weekends are a God send.

Collin: Thanks.

SB: All is well, now. ;-)

John; Thank you John.

Floots: Thanks.

Pat: Yeah, some days you have to ask that. :-)

Baxter: Not really, but they had "sleep" in common so I linked 'em. :-)

Tikkis said...

Snoring computer
blinking the screen:
A new message born!

Masago said...

Tikkis: :-)

M. Shahin said...

That is such a funny haiku and quite unexpected :-) The snooze button is of great importance in my world :-)

Masago said...

Shahin: Thank you stopping by. Glad you liked this.