
853. So Soon Gone

pile of rubble...
a house stood there
only yesterday



Anonymous said...

I'm assuming the 3 little piggies made it safely to the house made of brick.

John McDonald said...

enjoyed this vaugh

floots said...

all things must pass
i love the invisible story behind this one

polona said...

'tis true... how often we fail to notice something until after it's gone... another good one!

Anonymous said...

naked branch
last night a leaf
trembled there

The way it goes . . .

Pat Paulk said...

That is so true. As temporal as we all know things are, when they're gone we're shocked. "Dead" on the mark!!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

It's always strange when that happens.

Masago said...

Aurora: :-) Thanks.

Thank you, Kay.

Pamela: Not sure about that. ;-)

John: Thanks.

Floots: That they must. Thanks!

Polona: That's right...for example when SB disappeared for a couple of days recently.

Bill: Right. Nice haiku. I seem to recall you had written something like that a while back. I can see how these both point to same concept. Thanks.

Pat: For sure. Thanks.

Andrew: Yes, sometimes it hits home pretty hard.