
841. Too Late

bags of groceries...
i spot my keys on
the car seat



Bill said...

Took a moment, but then it hit me hard.

Anonymous said...

Been there - done that!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

oh so many times I've done that!!!

John McDonald said...

nice one vaugh

Pat Paulk said...

Stepped out of mine once going fishing to help launch the boat, with it running. I love my Ford truck with the keypad on the door!!

Anonymous said...

I often wonder if your haiku is from experience - or creativity.

Sure sounds like an experienced moment of panic -

(and my hubby has the keypad on his Ford, too.)

polona said...

aww... only happened to me once :)

shanna said...

this one and the docking the boat for the last time again...good show


Masago said...

Bill: I'm pleased to have "hit" you. :-) Thanks for leaving this comment.

Allen & Andrew: Right, this seems like a common boo-boo.

John: Thanks.

Pat: Ah, the keypad (for sissies?) ;-)

Pamela: Just about all of them are based on a recent experience. A few of them are based on older memories or are inspired by something I've seen, read, or heard. In some cases the experience is memorable for me but would be boring for others. In those cases I throw in a little creativity. Thanks for asking.

Aurora: Yeah!

Polona: You're lucky (or competent).

Shanna: Thanks. Good to "see" you here. Aloha!

Masago said...

Collin: Thanks.

Anonymous said...

What happened to groceries? ;)

Masago said...

Good question, and it was starting to rain...