
842. Best Before

cafe patio...
a red leaf falls into
a plastic tree



John McDonald said...

loved it

floots said...

aurora has already said it
nice one

Pat Paulk said...


Masago said...

Aurora: :-)

John: Thanks.

Floots: :-)

Pat: A long ways.

Polona: Thanks.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

very realist ---

Bill said...

Nature is a concept invented by culture. Or not. A fine ku.

Masago said...

Bill: Interesting muse. Thanks. I think I may post this one to WHCworkshop. ~Vaughn

Anonymous said...

Only one red leaf!
But the most beautiful one?
Still in that tree?

Masago said...

Yes, the others were on the ground.
It was most beautiful!
I'm not sure if it is still there. I haven't been there lately.