
850. Reaching Out

leafless twigs...
their limit reached
for the year



Masago said...

Aurora: Good idea, I like that with the following tweak:

their limit
reached for the year --
leafless twigs

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

Aurora, you're just being difficult, not dyslexic! :)
nice haiku!

Anonymous said...

Let's all be difficult

For the year --
their limit reached
leafless twigs

today I really noticed the naked trees when I was out.

Anonymous said...

Nice one (whichever way you order the images).

John McDonald said...

nice nice

Amalendu said...

very nice...

Pat Paulk said...

And I always thought when you got "naked" the possibilities were limitless...

polona said...

nice, and an accurate observation :)

Anonymous said...

The naked sky
hiding itself
behind the leafless twig

Masago said...

Andrew: Thank you.

Pamela: With that big smile on your blog pic, it is hard to accept you being difficult. :-)

SB: Thank you.

John: Thanks.

Amalendu: Thanks.

Pat: *smile* Depends on who gets naked. :-)

Polona: Thank you!

Tikkis: Very good, I like that.