
Pirate Rubricku Completed

I have just completed a second Rubricku named "The Pirate" in collaboration with Karina Klesko. Karina is the Director of WHCpoetrybridge and the owner of the The Outlaw Poets Yahoo news group.

Our Pirate Rubricku was featured in The
Outlaw Poets' monthly poetry magazine called "Sketchbook".


Anonymous said...

very, very impressive, Masago!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

This is really interesting -- never heard of such a thing.

Pat Paulk said...

Seems like I remember the first one you did. Poetry in puzzle form, fascinating!!!

Masago said...

SB: Thank mucho *blush*.

Andrew: I actually invented it last April and refined it back in August.

Pat: Yes, it is sort of in puzzle form. But then, isn't all poetry sort of a puzzle? :-)

polona said...

i echo senile: very impressive!

Masago said...

Polona: Thank you!

Tikkis said...

Printed The Pirate, and if I take it on my office's bulletin board, everyone thinks it's our new organisation-plan. A very neat work!

Masago said...

Thank you Tikkis. Let me know what your fellow staff think.