
834. Graceful Glider

sudden gasp...
a hot air baloon drifts
right overhead



Anonymous said...

I love it when they creep up on you like that. All things are interconnected ... I see the whooshing sound from the balloon's burner ... connected to your gasp of fright ... connected to Pat Paulk's recent poem "Gasping Breaths". Enjoyed!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

I really love this! "gasp" is the perfect word for L1-

Anonymous said...


John McDonald said...

nice vaugh

Pat Paulk said...

I love to watch those things. Probably because they're so colorful, and partly because they're so quiet--til they exhale fire. Kind of like you haiku's!!

Anonymous said...

that would be an awesome sight to witness that closely.

polona said...

oh, i can hear it...
well done!

Masago said...

SB: Thank you for sharing that.

Andrew: Thanks.

Pamela: For sure!

John: Thanks.

Pat: You are too kind. Thank you!!

Allen: Thank you for commenting, you have a great blog!

Polona: Thank you.

Borut said...

Had a similar experience, only it took me a while to realize it was a baloon!:)My'interpretation system' tried a number of ludicrous possibilities, like 'bird sounds' etc, before realizing the truth!:) Good one. Thanks for visiting my old blogs.

Masago said...

Borat (I mean Borut): Very funny. Glad you identified with this one. Thanks for commenting!