
Renhai Reflections 26: On Another

On Another

A Solo Renhai by Vaughn Seward
Written Oct 17, 2008

Side of the road —
the flat tire is placed
against the car.

An old broken poplar
leans hard on another.

The senior gent
raises a knobbly cane —
passing bus.

Theme: Leaning, support
Season: All Season
Link 1 to 2: Flat / Broken.
Link 2 to 3: Tree / Wooden.
Link 3 to 1: Bus / Car.


Devika Jyothi said...

first is a common sight here;
liked the last...


J. Andrew Lockhart said...

this one is really interesting -- for some reason, it makes me tired - wanting to lean on my bed. :)

Janice Thomson said...

Was just thinking the other day about two maples leaning over the trail - the next good wind and they'll be down. Good images portrayed here Vaughn.

John McDonald said...

love it

polona said...

great imagery, i agree.

Bill said...

a toddler leans
on my knee

jem said...

I played a game with myself on this one - trying to spot the links before reading your reveal. I noticed a couple myself.

Good one - familiar images that we've probably all scene, but somehow they become more real and more memorable when you capture them for us.

get zapped said...

you really paint a picture with such few words!

Masago said...

Devika: Thanks.

Andrew: :-)

Janice: Yes, this was inspired from a trip to Jerry's farm in late August. I was intrigued by an tall old tree that had succumbed, no doubt, to the bad storm we had this past spring.

John: Thanks.

Polona: Thanks.

Bill: This is a brilliant verse and connects well with this Renhai. Thanks for sharing, I love it.

Jem: I'm glad you tried working out the theme and links. You've inspired me to post these Renhai more like we did last year's Rengay project, see here:


From now on, I'll post just the Renhai and the comments on the following day. Thanks!

GZ: Many thanks!

Borut said...

The moral of a gentlemanly gesture: Don’t try to lean on a passing bus!?:)

Masago said...

Borut: LOL