
Renhai Reflections 32: As They Sleep

(With Notes)

As They Sleep
A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)
Written 2008 Oct 25-27

A bright half-moon
as I start the early shift —
vacant street.

Empty Doughnut shop —
a police car rolls up.

A full moon
rises behind an oak —
leafless branches.

Theme: Bare/Empty
Season: Autumn
Kigo: Moon, Leafless
Process: Reverse
Link 1 to 2: Street/Car.
Link 2 to 3: In front / Behind; Rolling up / Rising.
Link 3 to 1: Lunar.


Devika Jyothi said...

oh, definitely Masago..
especially link 2-3...and the title, theme ..:-))
see again!

Janice Thomson said...

This is excellent from beginning to end Vaughn. There's a hint of almost haunting solitude to these verses and the images they evoke. Most enjoyable.

polona said...

ditto janice

there's another link 2 to 3: round (doughnut/full moon)

Devika Jyothi said...

Yeah Rounded -- a significant link.:-)
see more of you, Masago

Masago said...

Devika: Thanks.

Janice: Well-described... and haunting, perhaps you'll like today's renhai. :-)

Polona: That is a link, well done. Since verse 1 & 3 are lunar then this is actually a sub-theme, I will add that to the Notes. Thanks.