
Renhai Reflections: Day's End

Day's End

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

all her trinkets stored
in the closed jewel box —
the music stops /gc

a wrench, bolts, and a spare tire /vs
the lamplight casting shadows /gc

second performance —
the understudy receives
a louder applause /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Left Behind

Left Behind

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

bits of black paint
on the rear left fender —
"sorry" note... /vs

lingering afternoon heat — /jd
ants on a Popsicle stick /vs

melted chocolate —
footprints leading to the door
cross a white carpet /jd

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Renhai Reflections: Katie Bar the Door

Katie Bar the Door

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

a beaver tail's slap...
another stick jammed into
the growing pile /vs

voices in the autumn night... /jd
the back door, did it get locked? /vs

the burglars
dump red juice on the photos —
a broken window /jd

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Renhai Reflections: Christmas a Coming

Christmas a Coming

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

in silence blackbirds
skipping along the wall
peck at unseen food /gc

the parang songs have started — /gc
a toe keeps time to the beat /vs

under the covers
settling down for the night —
drip, drip-drip... /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Bluesy


A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

September —
stunning blue clouds give way
to yellow at sunset /gc

a crisp breeze this morning blows — /gc
bluejays chase one another /vs

chilled blueberries
with whipped cream topping —
summer memories /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Beyond the Reach

Beyond the Reach

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

stepping into a bus —
I recognize the face, but
what is her name? /vs

the stone skips eight or nine times — /vs
a cat scampers up the tree /gc

bright moon —
the shadowy street under
dimly lit lamps /gc

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Renhai Reflections: Fast Reactions

Fast Reactions

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

Bursts of fireworks —
quick flashes illuminate
people in the crowd. /vs

In the night, cracks of thunder — /vs
her boyfriend storms out red-faced. /zh.r

a nudist Black-Sea beach —
your joke cracks me up. /zh.r

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Renhai Reflections: Some for All

Some for All

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Rose bush —
two or three wilted among
the pink blossoms.

A hot sidewalk in August —
Bubble gum covered with ants.

The last mile
on the trail with the group,
my knee says, "stop!"

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Renhai Reflections: Our Life's Blooms

Our Life's Blooms

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

The rain
refreshes the garden —
the kids, barefoot. /zh.r

A mailbox, in jasmine blooms — /zh.r
dust rises above the road. /vs

Heading home
covered from head to toe —
he finds more mud. /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Night Tempo

Night Tempo

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

swaying hips
to the mesmerizing strains ~
steelband concert /gc

a creaking sound in the night — /vs
cicadas thrill the forest /gc

crossed branches
groan in the strong wind —
crescent moon /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Silent Visit

Silent Visit

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Leaned-out wall —
a poplar sapling peeks through
the window opening.

The top of a wooded hill —
abandoned farm buildings.

marked into the stucco —
caved-in roof.

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Renhai Reflections: Under


A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

One, two butterflies
flit blossom to blossom —
Rain forest.

Canopy of lilac blooms —
between bites, a sip of tea.

The sound of rain
on the umbrella, drops
form on the edge.

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Renhai Reflections: Advancing Further

Advancing Further

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

clinched waistline
of the bachacs busy at
moving small sticks /gc

under a shady tree, benches — /gc
the bride's veil lifts in the breeze /vs

voices ring out,
a banner lifted high:
"Higher Wages!" /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Seen Through

Seen Through

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

The popping begins
as the see-through pot lid
starts to steam up.

A Segway passes my way —
one head turns, then two.

I spill my soda
on the lap of the person
I step in front of.

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Correction: the middle verse should read, "A Segway passes...", see:


Renhai Reflections: The Outbreak

The Outbreak
A Renhaibun by Jerry McKenzie (jm) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

These lesions on my ankle from previous exposures to neutron beams are causing greater pain than they did yesterday. Now, today, my pace across this field of rubble is much slower... my work is hampered. And under these harrowing circumstances, I don't think I'll be able to take my scheduled holiday, two days off on planet Zoria playing cricket, unless I go AWOL from the consortium and get some first-aid. But suddenly, I'm pulled out of the depths of my self-commisseration... in a stumble my foot dislodges an unfamiliar object... I pick it up, turn it over, and recognize the worn logo of a vintage Syllacon. This was a primitive device used for storing information, communicating, and delivering medical remedies, among other things. I toss the worthless relic over my shoulder but to my amazement it begins to emit a coded signal. Picking it up I find the activator is still functional and a clearful image projects holographically in front of me. The image is accompanied by an audible feed which my modern hand device, which is actually a finger ring, translates into several stanzas of verse. The lines, according to my q-ring, are similar to an old earth-style poetical form.* The first stanza of this verse brings back that chilling, sacred sound that still reverberates in my memory... as if it summons me again, perhaps this time as a supplicant to the humble apothecary stall that stands adjacent to the temple. The next day I accept a "pass" from the consortium and stow away on board a rust-ridden, bulky galactic freighter.

*swinging the mallet
he sounds the jubilation
silver gong /vs

the shrill sound of an airoz — /jm
from the midst one arises /vs

a tall falconer
extends his gauntleted
arm in receipt /jm

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[This is a science fiction style Renhaibun (see the notes for more details)]


Renhai Reflections: Dashing By

Dashing By

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

A tattered flag
on the old wooden pole
flaps in the breeze.

A mouthed pinecone dashes by —
squirrel on the cedar fence.

The engineer waves
as the locomotive roars
out of the tunnel.

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Renhai Reflections: A Gift

A Gift

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Big hugs with
tears of joy after months
of hard effort. /vs

The tiny sparrow leaves a gift — /vs
overhead a quick cloud burst. /jt

A chick hatches
on the twenty-second day
amid the feathers. /jt

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[This is a variation of renhai that has never been done before. See the notes for details.]


Renhai Reflections: Tranquil Moments

Tranquil Moments

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

bathtub filling —
the yellow duck bobs between
pink islands /vs

the river's swelling banks — /vs
cobalt consumes the night sky /gc

deepening sunrise —
the traffic pileup becomes
a giant snail march /gc

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Renhai Reflections: Feline Follies

Feline Follies

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Can opener —
a purring, furry brush
against my leg. /vs

The pulled-back bed covers — /vs
the cat burrows deeper. /jt

"Nascar track" -
a paw under the couch swipes
the racing dog. /jt

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[This renhai is the sixth and final in a six-part series... check the notes for details.]


Renhai Reflections: Ups and Downs

Ups and Downs

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

First warm day —
his tongue round and round
an ice-cream cone. /jt

Ripples on snow-melt puddles — /vs
an icicle disappears. /jt

Riding up
toward Eiffel's top —
warm breeze. /vs

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[This renhai is the fifth in a six-part series... check the notes for details.]


Renhai Reflections: Hurry Scurry

Hurry Scurry

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Breakfast dishes
remain on the table —
banana peels. /vs

The pulled-back bed covers - /vs
kimono half on the floor. /jt

Tax appointment —
on the hood of the car
my coffee cup. /jt

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[This renhai is the fourth in a six-part series... check the notes for details.]


Renhai Reflections: Softly a Tear

Softly a Tear

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

a flower unfurls
yesterday's bud now blossomed —
the roosters' silence /gc

Japan's pain echoes throughout — /gc
the flag hoisted to haft-mast /vs

the sound of crickets —
opening her letter once more,
her words bring tears /vs

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[This is the first recorded renhai that used the Reverse Split method (see the notes for details).]


Renhai Reflections: Slowly, Surely

Slowly, Surely

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

After ten minutes
I leave the tanning bed —
white-circled eyes. /jt

Ripples on snow-melt puddles — /vs
the roof soaks up the sun. /jt

I start to doze off
in the bubbling hot tub —
page twenty-five... /vs

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[This renhai is the third in a six-part series... check the notes for details.]

Renhai Reflections: Recent Studio Renhai

The following are a few recent Renhai that members of the Renhai Studio group have written (and appeared in a recent issue of the Sketchbook poetry journal):

At the Shrine
A Renhai by Dr. Vidur Jyoti (Solo), India

The Merry-go-round
A Renhai by John Daleiden (Solo), USA

A Renhai by Heike Gewi, Aden/Yemen and Walter Mathois, Vienna/Austria


Renhai Reflections: Contrapuntal Harmonies

Contrapuntal Harmonies

A Renhai by Jerry McKenzie (jm) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Wet paint
on the cemetary gate —
rain and tears. /jm

A song ending the noon hour — /vs
the new digital carillon. /jm

The yellow cuckoo
makes his loud appearance,
tick-tock, tick-tock... /vs

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Renhai Reflections: Life's Rush

Life's Rush

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

At the interview
I pull my skirt down an inch —
the watch alarm rings. /jt

The pulled-back bed covers — /vs
things-to-do page left open. /jt

Waiting for her
in Chapters, I leaf through
a gadget magazine. /vs

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[This renhai is the second in a six-part series... check the notes for details.]


Renhai Reflections: Well Done

Well Done

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

the weekend party —
I exchange views with the town's
theatre critic /vs

the aroma of white tea — /gc
words of Dickens between sips /vs

shy the applause —
rises to a tremendous
standing ovation /gc

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Renhai Reflections: Flashback


A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Scotch on the rocks —
the slow cruise last summer
up to Alaska. /vs

Ripples on snow-melt puddles — /vs
another laugh line appears. /jt

His arms around her
as they ferry cross the lake —
yesterday's sun-dog. /jt

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Renhai Reflections: Recharged


A Renhai by Jerry McKenzie (jm) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Refilled glass
of aromatic malbec —
their own reflections. /vs

A waft of fermenting fruit — /jm
recycling depot line up. /vs

Winery chateau —
a senior couple practice
the wedding march. /jm

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Renhai Reflections: Sky's the Limit

Sky's the Limit

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

In-flight meal —
I trade my rice pudding
for her cheese cake.

Distant skyscraper crane —
chilly morning sunrise.

As a silhouette,
one elm's tangled branches
against another's.

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Renhai Reflections: Recent Studio Renhai

The following are a few recent Renhai that members of the Renhai Studio group have written (and appeared in a recent issue of the Sketchbook poetry journal):

cold spell
A Renhai by Heike Gewi, Aden/Yemen and Walter Mathois, Vienna/Austria

New Beginnings
A Renhai by John Daleiden (Solo), USA


Renhai Reflections: Squirms And Scratches

Squirms And Scratches

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

the old jalopy
skids into the interchange —
balding tires... /vs

he squirms in the barber's chair — /vs
'skin head' makes the soccer team /gc

during the 'cat fight'
smart watchers keep their distance —
a dishevelled wig /gc

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Renhai Reflections: Breaking Comfort

Breaking Comfort

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Jerry McKenzie (jm)

The young operator
flicks a cigarette butt
into the traffic. /jm

Tire tracks in the fresh snow — /vs
a grader's exhaust plume. /jm

I spread honey
on the scraped burned toast —
steaming coffee. /vs

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Renhai Reflections: There, Here

There, Here

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Saying "Hi"
to this and that friend,
spilling her popcorn.

Sparrows flit limb to limb,
flicking snow off each branch.

He changes lines,
exchanges glances with
the grocery clerk.

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Renhai Reflections: One Winter Evening

One Winter Evening

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Along the road —
the clump of fresh snow
turns into a rabbit. /vs

A full lunar eclipse — /vs
coyotes snuggle closer. /jt

In the tavern
hot ale and a blazing fire —
Welsh rarebit. /jt

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