
800. Public Inquiry

words sprayed
on a downtown building:
"Are We Safe Yet?"



Natalia L. Rudychev said...

I've been studying graffiti for quite some time. Even presented a paper on it at a conference. I like the commentary. Nicely done!

polona said...


Pat Paulk said...

Never! Very well captured!!

Masago said...

Natalia: I've been fascinated by graffiti too...never wrote any, of course, except for this blog :-) Thanks.

Polona: Thank you.

Pat: I think you are right, at least for the foreseeable future. Thanks.

Tikkis said...

Yeah. We all ought to move into strong Safes? And then someone is coming and robbing Our safe Safe?

Masago said...

Tim: interesting graffiti.

Tikkis: yes, it may never end.