
807. After the Storm

rain drops
on a long blade of grass...
early morning



J. Andrew Lockhart said...

The grass here is wet every morning, but it's from dew. Our humidity is horrible!

floots said...

beautiful thought pic
thank you

John McDonald said...

nice vaughn

polona said...


Pat Paulk said...

I see the drops sliding down, satisfying an overnight thirst.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a great photo opportunity.

Masago said...

Andrew: There's not much humidity here. In fact, I was thinking yesterday I need to get a new humidifier for the oven.

Floots: Thanks laddy!

John: Thanks John.

Polona: Thank you.

Pat: Ah, yes, they can use the drink. Nice of you to think of them.

Ruthanne: Thanks, it is good to "hear" from you again.