
828. Long Gone

first snowfall...
a tuft of feathers hang
on the birdhouse hole



Anonymous said...

ah, Masago ... good to see you "showing" instead of "telling" ... nice one. ;-)

p.s. I still like #803.

p.p.s. there are approximately 980 extant hokku (haiku) by Basho written over a life spanning 50 years. you are already at #828!!!!

polona said...

an excellent rewrite, masago. the ways it can take the reader...

Pat Paulk said...

Let's get out of the cold!!! Love it Vaughn!!

Masago said...

SB: Thank you for your kind remarks. Wow, I knew Basho wrote a lot of haiku...I didn't realize I was that close to how many he had written.

Polona: Thank you.

Pat: :-) Thanks.