
707. Evidence

white Porsche...
a cat leaves prints
across the hood


Bill said...

I think that's "Porsche," Vaughn.

Good for the cat.

And good for you.

Masago said...

Bill: Thanks...and thanks for the heads-up on my mis-spelling.

floots said...

this is why i like cats more than cars
here porschey porschey :)

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

This is why I don't have a Porsche -- also, I guess, is because I could never be able to aford one... :)

Pat Paulk said...

Maybe a "new" parking place? Very good!!

Masago said...

floots: *chuckle*

j: Actually, I don't have a Porsche either (but when I was a kid we had a white Dodge that our cat was fond of walking across).

polona: Thanks.

pat: ...maybe a public one, eh? Thanks. Good to see you back.

Tikkis said...

raises it's leg
on Porsche's tires

Masago said...

tikkis: Glad its not my Porsche. :-)