
714. Rainy Evening

garden centre —
gray plastic pagodas
shed the rain


Pat Paulk said...

Plastically serene!!

polona said...

i like the contrast
(but not the plastic pagodas)

Unknown said...

WOW. You are good. I dont care that much for haiku but I like yours.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

We had rain today, so this really fits with me --

Masago said...

pat: It was one of those moments...I have to say though that the pagodas were made of some pretty convincing fake rock.

polona: Sorry about that.

david: Thank you very much for your kind words and for dropping by.

j: As I mentioned to pat, there was something special that day...glad you could identify with it.

Masago said...

melanie: thanks...I'm sure you garden is already quite lovely.