
859. Flutter

a tuft of grass
at the base of a pole...
chilly wind



Anonymous said...

this calls for some observation.
I'm going to start looking at things a little closer

ps. my word verification was longer than your haiku (well almost)

Anonymous said...

About to meet Mr Freeze? ;-)

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

nice and neat

Anonymous said...

Something warm?
And four fellows just met;
grass, pole, wind, - and you?

Borut said...

Enough to wonder!:)

Pat Paulk said...

Love the lonliness and barreness in this.

polona said...

excellent haiku, masago!

John McDonald said...

nice vaugh

Masago said...

Pamela: I look forward to some of your observations. And yes, haiku is a very short form. :-)

SB: You got it!

Andrew: Thanks.

Tikkis: Well, I saw them. I'm not sure if they saw me. I'm sure they met each other. As for warm...not for long. :-)

Borut: Thank you.

Pat: Yes, and yet all taking place at a busy intersection in a downtown residential area.

Polona: Thank you.

John: Thanks.