
883. Tea Party

new doll...
words at her tea party
double in number


Masago said...

new doll...
words at her tea party
double in number

Link with 882: Tiny voices.

[A new doll for Christmas will inevitably lead to a post-Christmas tea party. Imagine the things that happened this year that can be shared with this new friend.]

Pat Paulk said...

Quite a conversation!!

Pamela said...

I'm anxious to see where this one takes you....

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

:) I'm used to this in my house.

floots said...

great winter images while i've been gone
like em all but especially the maple seed/dog and this one
i could see my sister at play :)

The Site Administrator said...

I'm speechless! ;-)

John McDonald said...

very very good vaugh

Masago said...

Pat: Indeed.

Aurora: Thanks.

Pamela: ;-)

Andrew: :-)

Floots: Thank you for your kind words. Cheers!

Richard: You? I'm speechless :-)

John: Thank you very much.

Polona: Thanks.

Tikkis said...

Words are important!

Masago said...

Tikkis: You got it.