
885. Come and Go

telephone wire...
a sparrow joins three,
another leaves


Masago said...

telephone wire...
a sparrow joins three
another leaves

Link with 884: Communication equipment.

[This portrays a common scene where a bird joins a group of other birds. Just as it lands another birds flies off. Why does that other bird leave just then? Is it just a coincidence or is there something deeper going on here?.]

Pamela said...

bird on a wire...
kind of their own way of using the "telephone"

they come with the news.. the other bird flies off to share it and so on and so on...

floots said...

i love the stark intimacy of birds when they do this
great word capture

The Site Administrator said...

Nice. (1+3) - 1 = 3. Did I get it right, Masago? Or is this a trick haiku? ;-)

P.S. Just brushing up on my lacklustre mathematics skills.

P.P.S. As to the behavior, perhaps it is a quantum bird thing . . . one particle appears and another disappears to maintain an equalibrium of sorts.

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

It's always that way, isn't it? Nice thought.

Borut said...

O boy, Masago, my mathematics! How many sparrows are on the wire!?:) Deep question!:)

John McDonald said...


The Site Administrator said...

Borut is smarter than me . . . I admit it! ;-)

Pat Paulk said...

It's only a three way party line?? You do keep the hits coming!!

polona said...

looks like it's gonna be a long day at the office (yep, the euro thing) so in the meantime i thought i might as well break a few rules and visit my favourite blogs, and what do i find? a mathematical problem!
my head is whirring but enjoyed nonetheless!

Masago said...

Pamela: You may have something.

Floots: Thanks.

Richard: I think your math is right. And your quantum idea seems to be on the mark as well.

Andrew: Thanks.

Borut: It is deep, sort of. The math really doesn't matter...

John: Thanks.

Pat: It was 3-way that day. I've since seen a few more and a few less. Thanks for the kind comments.

Polona: Sorry about that...I didn't intend to burden anyone with math. :-)

Tikkis said...

Message exchanging?!

Masago said...

Tikkis: Yeah, maybe.