
753. New Surroundings

re-potted bonsai —
an emerging root reflects
the summer sun



The Site Administrator said...

Now this one really does it for me Masago. It is light ... delicate ... gets back to nature ... and has that element of compassion (i.e. repotted plant) that, at least for me, elevates a haiku to a different level. Beautifully done!

Pat Paulk said...

Vaughn this one rocks!!

Natalia L. Rudychev said...

Beautiful moment delicately woven
into the three-line canvas.

polona said...

one my favourites of yours...

Masago said...

Aurora: Thanks.

Karasu: Your kind words are encouraging. Thank you.

Pat: Thanks (there was in fact one little rock in my pot...maybe it needs more, eh?).

Natalia: Thank you very much. Good to see you again.

Thank you Polona!