
Renhai Reflections 156: Come & Gone

Come & Gone

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Seeds and husks
scattered below an empty
bird feeder.

Hanging morning ice fog —
tiny critter prints.

Post-brunch table —
left behind, an opened box
of animal crackers.

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Renhai Reflections 155: Rendering Service

Rendering Service

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Hand to bottom —
after ten hours, a new cry
comes to life. /vs

Waiting for the doctor — /jd
framed veterinary degree. /vs

On my jawbone
the vibrations of a drill —
a gold filling /jd

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Renhai Reflections 154: Latter Moments

Latter Moments

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Christmas Eve —
from shop to shop between
singing carols. /jt

Juggling street busker — /vs
a hot-dog cart moves nearer. /jt

Paying the bills —
another month closer
to retirement. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 153: Between


A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Snowy pines —
the squirrel again finds
his pine cones.

Two standing soldiers —
cigarette burning down.

Grocery line —
for the coming week,
provisions in hand.

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[This Renhai was written in Esperanto and translated into English (see the notes for the Esperanto version). It was also an experiment in a new approach to writing renhai. That is, each verse was written without concern for a theme, only about the links between each verse. With the linking itself, the focus was at the emotional level and less at the object or intellectual level. As it turned out, a theme emerged all on its own.]


Renhai Reflections 152: Drained


A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Closure notice —
in the shower stalls
silent echoes. /jt

Seagull on the board's tip — /vs
goggles at the drain pipe. /jt

Looking down
into the last few drops —
paper cup. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 151: Beyond the Pale

Beyond the Pale

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Torn wallpaper
dangling in the breeze —
abandoned building. /jd

Desert winter blossoms - /jd
snake skin shed between spokes. /vs

Derelict bomber -
all but the engine between
stony outcroppings. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 150: Uncommon Canvas

Uncommon Canvas

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Leaves afloat —
the neighbor's tires
splashed with red. /jt

Chilly rains melt the garden — /jt
kitten tracks across the hood. /vs

Crayoned scenes
blend with safari photos —
fridge magnets. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 149: Continuing On

Continuing On

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

The sports car
screeches past the others —
changing red...

Branch of laden mountain ash —
a blue jay glides downward.

Crash of pins —
the black ball rolls through,
dropping behind.

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Renhai Reflections 148: Sightings

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Slivers of sunlight
fracture the dense stillness
deep in the forest. /jt

The half-moon dots a tower /vs
as a crow pecks his shadow. /jt

The glinting harpoon
fired from the sofa's bow
pierces the surface. /vs

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[This Renhai was written using a Google Wave (wave.google.com).]


Renhai Reflections 147: Stepping Back

Stepping Back

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Dr. Vidur Jyoti (vj)

A waning crescent
in the long dim corridor —
shuffling footfalls. /vj

Barber's shop window — /vs
a glance back in time. /vj

Shoe-shiner's chair —
on the tip of my shoe,
the overhead light. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 146: On the Way

On the Way

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Slowly letting go —
the greeting card slips into
the tiny slot /gc

Two friends embrace in the street, /gc
their puppies tangle leashes. /vs

Fish food sprinkles —
the guppies dart up to meet
the sinking bits. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 145: Awakening Talent

Awakening Talent

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

School buzzer —
I'm the last one left
to leave the room. /vs

In a semi dream state, /gc
I hit the snooze button. /vs

Chalk on the black board
taking a line for a long walk —
creative art class. /gc

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[Be sure to read the notes for comments about the third verse.]


Renhai Reflections 144: Junior Achievement

Junior Achievement

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Seward (js)

Baby steps —
hands above the head,
lifted high. /vs & js

Little fingers at the keys — /vs & js
coloured sticky on the page. /vs & js

School theatre —
each student steps forward
for the encore bow. /vs & js

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Renhai Reflections 143: Onward


A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Leaving a trail
of joyous songs behind —
the bride's veil /gc

Two at the breakfast table — /vs
last night's left overs, day moon. /gc

Cruise ship deck —
a pair of seagulls follow
above the wake. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 142: Settling Down

Settling Down

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Seward (js)

Quiet playground —
an autumn breeze upon
the set of swings. /js

Between bicycle spokes, /vs
a scarlet maple leaf. /js

Caught in traffic —
switching stations to look
for better news. /vs

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[This Renhai was the first written with my wife Janice.]


Renhai Reflections 141: First Day

First Day

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

Dressed and ready,
out the door: everything
seems new. /zh.r

A book snuggled in her arms — /vs
the school bus pulls away. /zh.r

The passed note,
tucked deep between
the last pages. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 140: Places Higher

Places Higher

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Dusting shelves —
a slip of my hand and
Harry Potter falls. /jt

Above half-glass spectacles — /jt
raised gray eyebrows. /vs

The young child
looks up at the billboard:
"Learn to Read". /vs

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Renhai Reflections 139: Bright and Loud

Bright and Loud

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

Reflected in eyes,
the wild, electric dance
between the clouds. /zh.r

Cracking, crashing booms... /vs
Sounds muffled under the bed... /zh.r

A sudden flash
spreads across the harbour -
town lights darken. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 138: Awesome


A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

the marvel of mountains
and oceans. /gc

At the baptismal font /gc
a wee hand takes a scoop. /vs

Reaching higher
she almost touches
the Big Dipper. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 137: Drawn Back

Drawn Back

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Musket heirloom —
on the radio, the song
Battle of New Orleans. /jt

The tangle of driftwood logs — /vs
in the bay a vintage yacht. /jt

Plates of pasta —
Granddad retells the stories
of fighting in Italy. /vs

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[Please read the notes for a description of how this Renhai is unique!]


Renhai Reflections 136: Coming Together

Coming Together

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Betty Kaplan (bk)

Ripe red tomatoes
hanging on the back porch
growing upside down. /bk

Pizzeria patio — /vs
Wisconsin cheese wheel rolls in. /bk

A round of dough
flung high, spins up
to the ceiling. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 135: Here...


A Renhai by Betty Kaplan (bk) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Quiet beach —
a wave washes over
the last sand wall. /vs

Her diary... one page turned down /bk
a tear begins to well. /vs

Found in the attic —
I should have known,
crumbling pages /bk

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Renhai Reflections 134: Drawn Up

Drawn Up

A Renhai by Betty Kaplan (bk) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

The sleeping mount
rumbles back to life —
molten cauldron. /vs

Dreaming of lake sailing — /vs
awakened... the leaf blower. /bk

A blue sea beckons ...
waiting in the marina
"Suzie Q". /bk

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[Before sure to check out the notes for additional info]


Renhai Reflections 133: Fleeting Moments

Fleeting Moments

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

She mumbles,
"He loves me, loves me not" —
white petals, scattered. /zh.r

Plump, cottony clouds — /zh.r
tethered hot-air balloon. /vs

Merry-go-round —
I push faster, the others
hanging on. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 132: Destinations


A Renhai by Betty Kaplan (bk) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

A bear cub
wanders into camp alone —
"No Feeding" sign. /vs

Splashing water on beached whale — /bk
barnacles glisten in the sun. /vs

Lights turned low -
rushing to the bright ocean
baby turtles. /bk

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Renhai Reflections 131: Time Off

Time Off

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Sunday evening crowd;
a steelband in the park plays
vintage music. /gc

Pink clouds through the church window — /gc
the hot breeze rustles a page. /vs

Summer holidays —
banana splits at the old
ice cream parlour. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 130: On Board

On Board

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Betty Kaplan (bk)

Window seat...
light then dark
dark then light. /bk

The smell of oiled timber — /vs
riding the rails, a runaway. /bk

He grabs her hand
as they rush the summit —
roller coaster. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 129: After The Storms

After The Storms

A Renhai by Betty Kaplan (bk) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

This early morning
the sun's reflection plays —
sparkling clean windows. /bk

Summer storms every afternoon — /bk
the creek flows a bit deeper. /vs

Garden chores —
he empties the wheelbarrow
of rain water. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 128: Popped to Please

Popped to Please

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

A buttery scent
emanates from the kitchen —
a three-voiced "Popcorn!" /zh.r

Each popped kernel, threaded... /vs
the garland hangs on her neck. /zh.r

The lights come on —
bits of popcorn on my lap
and in the seat. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 127: Renhai Essay

Renhai, a New Verse Form: Frogpond (Summer 2009)

An essay I wrote on the orgins of Renhai was published in the Summer (2009) issue of Frogpond (Volume 32, Number 2). The Frogpond journal, edited by George Swede and Anita Krumins, is an official serial publication of the Haiku Society of America. The essay has just been made available on-line here:



Renhai Reflections 126: Sounds of Rebounding

Sounds of Rebounding

A Renhai by Toshiaki Koike (tk) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Dazzling wall —
each voice of summer
reflecting off. /tk

Sudden heavy downpour — /vs
bounces on the roof. /tk

Glistening tans —
clearing the net, the ball
hits the sand. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 125: Never a Dull Moment

Never a Dull Moment

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

A car speeds off —
a pop can and a wrapper
added to the trash. /vs

Distant thundering sounds — /vs
wind shifts the surface dust. /zh.r

Runover possum
on my gravel shoulder —
turkey vultures. /zh.r

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Renhai Reflections 124: Wee Interactions

Wee Interactions

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Buzzing bees
swarm around spirea
laden with pollen. /vs

An ant scurries higher — /vs
peonies scent the air. /jt

Rose bramble —
a sated earwig sleeps
inside a bud. /jt

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Renhai Reflections 123: Grains


A Renhai by John W. Sexton (jws) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

The sun rises
over the red planet
as Phobos sets. /vs

Ghost-river in its arid bed — /jws
the landbooster skims near. /vs

The shell cities
now grains of sand, rotted empires
simply methane. /jws

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This was written with John W. Sexton from Ireland, and was just published in the June, 2009 issue of the Lynx Journal for Linking Poets.]


Renhai Reflections 122: Fleeting Attractions

Fleeting Attractions

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

Patch of phlox —
at each flower a bee
seems to hurry. /vs

Spider web, dew-jeweled — /zh.r
a butterfly flits and flutters. /vs

A young man
strolls through the mall —
flirty skirts. /zh.r

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Renhai Reflections 121: In the Thick of It

In the Thick of It

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Faint figures
sway mutely before me —
thoughts thicken. /jt

Earth and sky joined together — /jt
the sun, but a distant memory. /vs

Only the sound
of small lapping waves, and...
a muffled horn. /vs

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Salad Dressing Recipe, Part II

Back in May I shared an
Oil and Vinegar salad dressing recipe that I had been working on. I recently tweaked it a bit by adding the following spices:
  • Thyme (powder): 1/4 tsp
  • Italian Seasoning: 1/4 tsp
Please give this variation a try... I hope you like it!


Renhai Reflections 120: Be My Guest

Be My Guest

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Through the garden,
he walks ever so slowly —
the size of a fist. /zh.r

The sound of crunch-crunching: /zh.r
a snail in the toothless mouth. /vs

A butterfly lands
on the black-and-orange back -
half-dome house. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This is about turtle experiences and was written for young readers.]


Renhai Reflections 119: Portraits in the Sky

Portraits in the Sky

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Aurora borealis —
green glowing sheets
erupt in silence. /vs

Twin orbs in the sky... /jt
at each end of the lake /vs

Each wave
in the ocean wearing a halo —
sun dog. /jt

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Renhai Reflections 118: Seaside Breeze

Seaside Breeze

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Gillena Cox (gc)

Bright day —
a seagull, then another
lands nearby. /vs

The salty breeze on my face — /vs
carved slices of pineapple. /gc

Scalloped edges
of the table umbrella —
flapping, flapping... /gc

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Renhai Reflections 117: Now Here, Soon Gone

Now Here, Soon Gone

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

The odd cloud
here and there, the sun
pokes through. /vs

Ladybug on my thumb tip — /zh.r
a little friend, soon gone. /vs

The young fawn
peeks from behind the bushes —
its "hi", "goodbye." /zh.r

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Renhai Reflections 116: Droppings


A Renhai by John W. Sexton (jws) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Honey sandwich
fumbled... which side
will turn up? /vs

Broken hive, a static of bees — /jws
droppings among bear tracks. /vs

Alcor, Mizar:
cartilage of ursine tail?
or just stars? /jws

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This was written with John W. Sexton from Ireland, and was just published in the June, 2009 issue of the Lynx Journal for Linking Poets.]


Renhai Reflections 115: Midnight Stirrings

Midnight Stirrings

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Gibbous moon —
on every primrose leaf
a starlight dance. /jt

Midnight velvet breeze — /jt
a canopy of shining stars. /vs

Pre-dawn stillness —
distant harbour lights
frolic on the ripples. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This was written with Janice Thomson from Canada, and was just published in the June, 2009 issue of the Lynx Journal for Linking Poets.]


Renhai Reflections 114: Onset


A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Wedding march —
rose peals precede
a bride's footsteps. /gc

Off to fetch the newspaper — /vs
first morning cloud, heavy grey. /gc

The last moment
of the grad ceremony —
mortars in the air... /vs

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Renhai Reflections 113: Another Beginning

Another Beginning

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Dr. Vidur Jyoti (vj)

Summer clouds —
monks beneath a tree
mutter prayers. /vj

A grove of Margosa trees — /vs
stirrings under fallen leaves. /vj

Silk sheets —
the clock radio comes on
with sounds of Bach. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This was written with Dr. Vidur Jyoti from India. Check the notes for background info about season usage and other features of this Renhai.]


Renhai Reflections 112: The Untrue

The Untrue

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & John W. Sexton (jws)

Chink, chink chink —
only the false water drip
of hidden blackbirds. /jws

High alpine meadow — /vs
a horse gallops his shadow. /jws

A half hour passes —
the groom leans and whispers
to the best man. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This was written with John Sexton from Ireland, and was just published in the June, 2009 issue of the Lynx Journal for Linking Poets. Check the notes for some extra insights into this Renhai.]


Renhai Reflections 111: Us and Them

Us and Them

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

Bars all around —
on the bare, worn branches,
my family. /zh.r

The crowd grows larger — /vs
a redhead mimics me. /zh.r

I swing by tail...
one after another,
flashes of light. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 110: Glitter


A Renhai by Vaughn Seward & John W. Sexton

Mrs. Noman —
her eyes of coal glitter
in the moonlight. /jws

Our city of snow tunnels — /vs
Dad comes through the roof. /jws

We charge across
the schoolyard battlefield —
snowball artillery. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This winter Renhai, which was written with John Sexton from Ireland, was just published in the June, 2009 issue of the Lynx Journal for Linking Poets. ]


Renhai Reflections 109: Full Moon Over Manhattan

[Here is a double rengay I recently did with Karina Klesko. It appeared in the March/April, 2009 issue of Sketchbook:


In a Double Rengay two Poets reverse positions after the first six verses
and has a construction of a Renga-like / haiku structure.]

Full Moon Over Manhattan

produce aisle—
she reaches across
for an apple /vs

outdoor cafe—
fiddlehead ferns in season /kk

storm clouds—
the dog disappears
into a bush /vs

one-legged mockingbird—
bantering of the wind /kk

late dusk—
the street lights come on,
all but one.... /vs

the gate leads to darkness—
headstones with no names /kk

hopscotch lines—
a homeless man smiles
to himself /kk

svelte runway models—
exchanging glances /vs

clay pots
in different sizes
patio garden /kk

global greening—
an SUV for sale /vs

screen saver—
always a full moon
over Manhattan /kk

puppet theatre...
peeking behind the curtain /vs


Renhai Reflections 108: A Little Pickle

[Here is a children's poem I recently completed with Zhanna.]

A Little Pickle
Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

A little Pickle
Jumped out of its jar,
But, being brickle,
Got not too far. /zh.r

Onto the floor
From table to chair,
Straight out the door
Came a Bartlett Pear. /vs

Meanwhile an Apple
Returned from the chapel,
Hopped up on a stool,
Still fragrant and cool. /zh.r

Then came a Carrot
Of the edible roots
Known for good merit,
To join the fruits: /vs

"Let us, for fun,
Begin to contest
And see just which one
Is the very best." /zh.r

For this competition,
They all came around,
Each full of ambition
To see himself crowned. /vs

"Now, here's my trick,"
The Pickle said,
And he was quick
To stand on his head. /zh.r

There's nothing to that,"
The Apple crowed,
Then tapped on his hat
His name in Morse code. /vs

The Bartlett Pear,
Fresh, shapely and fair,
Was happy to sing
While dancing Swing. /zh.r

The Carrot was next:
With great aplomb,
He put on his specks
And read his palm. /vs

Now, when it had ended -
Their evening of fun,
They felt it was splendid,
And each thought he'd won. /zh.r


Off-Topic: Salad Dressing Recipe

I recently decided to try and duplicate my favorite commercial Oil and Vinegar dressing. After some web-searching and taste-testing I created the following recipe which I have found tastes better than the original.

Sunflower (or Canola) oil: 100 ml (aprox. 1/2 US cups)
Extra virgin Olive oil: 50 ml (aprox. 1/4 US cups)

Red wine vinegar: 25 ml (aprox. 1.5 T)
Lemon juice: 25 ml (aprox. 1.5 T)

Onion powder: 1/4 tsp
Garlic powder: 1/4 tsp
Sea salt: 1/4 tsp
Oregano: 1/2 tsp
Dried mint: 1/4 tsp
Ground pepper: a few pinches
Dijon mustard: 1/4 tsp

Add the spices to the Acidics and mix well. Add the Oils and whisk together in a suitable container (e.g. a glass jar). If possible, marinate for a few hours and shake well before use.

I have found that the Dijon mustard, while contributing slightly to the overall taste, also acts as an emulsifier. This holds the dressing together longer so that every portion contains a more complete combination of flavours.


Renhai Reflections 107: Till Time is Up

Till Time is Up

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

A new minute —
I shift and sink down
with the others. /zh.r

This narrow glass passage, /zh.r
room for a few at a time. /vs

Finally through,
pushed to the clear-view wall:
eggs out of the pot. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 106: Footfall


A Renhai by Jerry McKenzie (jm) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Asking directions —
as I depart, the ladies
resume their chatter. /vs

A lone dog shies away — /jm
a lap entices the cat. /vs

Footsteps in gravel —
the frogpond ribitting
suddenly stops. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 105: Sunrise, Sunset

Sunrise, Sunset

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & John Daleiden (jd)

Coral ledge —
a seahorse expels babies
from his pouch. /vs

A piece of string in the beak — /vs
among tree buds, a new nest. /jd

In the garden rocks
a snake waits for prey —
sunrise, sunset. /jd

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This is the last one in the triad series that was written with John Daleiden (US) a year ago.]


Renhai Reflections 104: Stringing Things

Stringing Things

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

In the Parlor
women stitch quilt blocks —
the twitter of birds. /jd

A piece of string in the beak — /vs
among tree buds, a new nest. /jd

Babbling brook —
for a fishing pole the boys
find a stick. /vs

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[This is another one that was written with John Daleiden (US) a year ago. It is the second in a triad series in which the middle verse is common but the theme and the 1st and 3rd verses are different. When I wrote the "string in the beak" line to start the Renhai, John replied with several lines for me to pick from. I liked them all equally so we decided to form each one into its own Renhai.]


Renhai Reflections 103: Another Scoop

Another Scoop

A Renhai by John Daleiden (jd) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

An orange crane
lifts immense steel girders —
changing skyline. /jd

A piece of string in the beak — /vs
among tree buds, a new nest. /jd

Backyard sandbox —
the boy's backhoe lifts
another scoop. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This was written with John Daleiden (US) a year ago and was originally published in the Sketchbook, the Journal for Eastern and Western Short Forms.]


Renhai Reflections 102: Looking Up, Down

Looking Up, Down

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

An alpine hut
near the mountain's summit —
long climb's end.

Old limestone basilica —
moss at the wall's base.

The toddler's hands
reach up toward grampa's
empty lap.

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Renhai Reflections 101: Understanding


A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

Tidy cupboards —
each fruit can on the shelf
facing outward. /jt

Apple sauce on toast — /vs
the kids avoid my eyes. /jt

Farmers market —
under stalls a boy looks for
other life forms. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 100: Commuting Time

Commuting Time

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Karina Klesko (kk)

Setting sun —
His pocket watch swings
back and forth. /kk

Old windmill on the hill — /vs
Cambridge ewes and lambs grazing. /kk

A thousand stars —
arriving just as the train
pulls away. /vs

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Renhai Reflections 99: Public Consumption

Public Consumption

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

The power fails
during the weather report —
"storm com..."

A fashion show flyer,
under a layer of slush.

Corner lamppost:
"Call us if you have info
about our son."

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 98: Onward


A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

More things
in the house than boxes —
marked-up calendar. /vs

A last look at old treasures... /jt
choosing what things to pack. /vs

I close the door —
in my hand the paper
of a new address. /jt

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Renhai Reflections 97: Paths of Curiosity

Paths of Curiosity

A Renhaibun by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

It is a cool summer day. The creek nearby trickles and gurgles under overhanging branches. Light wind sways an oriole's nest on the other side. I decide to investigate further, pushing through brush, stepping on stones... Suddenly I am face to face with a bear. It immediately rises up on two legs and terror floods my being. My first instinct is to run but I remind myself of everything I have been told to do in these situations. See what kind of a bear it is, for the tactics are different for black bear and for grizzly. This one is a relatively small black bear. It looks more curious than aggressive. I know better than to look the beast in the eye. "Oh, that's you then. Well, hello there. You are a beauty." With these words it drops back on all fours. I intend to hold my ground but the branch under me snaps and I loose balance tumbling backwards into the creek... Just then a flock of loud-crying geese swooshes into the sky, diverting the bear's attention. I regain balance, duck under the over-hanging branches and squeeze through, back to the other side.

A high-flying jet
leaves a trail, just under
the day moon. /vs

Grass tips nearly touch — /vs
a garter slithers through. /zh.r

Coal dark night —
with only three of my senses,
I search for a way back. /zh.r

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[This is what we are calling a Renhaibun. It is similar to a haibun in which a short narrative precedes a poem (Haiku). In this case it precedes a Renhai. Haibun are normally written solo and so the narrative is written by one writer. For Renhaibun, however, it makes sense to take turns writing the narrative. Check the notes for more information and to see which parts of the narrative were written by each writer.]


Renhai Reflections 96: From, To, & In-Between

[Yesterday we presented a Renhai from the perspective of a crayon. As this was written with the reverse process, the middle verse was written last. We had two variations of this middle verse and so it was decided that both Renhai would be retained. Here is the other variation. Of course, the linking in both Renhai is different.]

From, To, & In-Between
A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

In a small hand,
I glide across the paper —
the trees, a house... red. /zh.r

A dark cardboard chamber — /vs
"Let me out! Let me out!" /zh.r

The puppy's face
grows larger, comes closer —
teeth and gums... /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 95: Made to Please

Made to Please

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

In a small hand,
I glide across the paper —
the trees, a house... red. /zh.r

Last week, strong and tall — /vs
Now I'm just a little stub. /zh.r

The puppy's face
grows larger, comes closer —
teeth and gums... /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 94: Spanning Years

Spanning Years

A Renhai by Ron Seward & Vaughn Seward

The boys' feet
in the old copper tub —
log shack. /rs

A twenty-eight Wippet — /rs
the first family car. /vs

Last farmstead —
finding years later
just a calendar. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Check the notes for some historical details.]


Renhai Reflections 93: The Day I left the Cloud

The Day I Left the Cloud

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

Rolling, tumbling...
I land on a plane's windshield —
the pilots don't smile. /vs

Free fall, the wind pushes me — /vs
I merge with a look-alike. /zh.r

into the ocean's surface,
I lose track of myself... /zh.r

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 92: A Warm Reception

A Warm Reception

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

A slow descent
on a frosty afternoon —
my star-like glitter. /zh.r

All around, others like me... /vs
still uniquely different. /zh.r

Soft landing
on a child's smiling face —
very, very warm. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 91: A Share of the Tree

A Share of the Tree

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Chewing... chewing
with millions of others
in a green maple. /zh.r

A branch, near the top — /vs
this leaf, now just lace. /zh.r

A Baltimore oriole
warbles a song close by —
I crawl under. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 90: One, Two, Three, Four...

One, Two, Three, Four...

I came across the following poem in an Esperanto textbook (Step by Step in Esperanto, page 145):

Unu, du, tri, kvar,
[Pron: 'OO-noo, DOO, TREE, KVAR']
[Transl: one, two, three, four]

Fisxoj nagxas en la mar'.
[Pron: 'FEE-shoy NAH-jahs EHN LA MAHR']
[Trasl: fishes swim in the sea]

Kvin, ses, sep, ok,
[Transl: five, six, seven, eight]

Birdoj staras sur la rok'.
[Pron: 'BEER-doy STAH-rahs SOOR LAH ROHK']
[Transl: birds stand on the rock]

Vidu ilin! naux, dek,
[Pron: 'VEE-doo EE-leen! NOW, DEHK'']
[Transl: see them! nine, ten]

Unu fisx' en cxiu bek'.
[Pron: 'OO-noo FEESH EHN CHEE-oo BEHK']
[Transl: one fish in each one's beak]

From this I was inspired to write something like it with English rhyming:

One, two, three, four,
Fishes in the sea galore.
Five, six, seven, eight,
Gulls on moorage stand and wait.
See them all! nine, ten
Fish in beaks... once again.


Renhai Reflections 89: An Encounter (Extra note)

An Encounter: Interpretations

In posted Renhai a couple of days ago (An Encounter), about a rise and fall of a kite, Polona mention in a comment the following:

"cute on a superficial level and much deeper if one cares to think"

From this Zhanna and I realized that this simple renhai has depth that we had not imagined. I have therefore added this to the comments of the Renhai:

[It is interesting that different individuals have interpreted this renhai in different ways. For example, if the kite is taken as a woman that got infatuated with another man (purple kite) after she got to the top of the society thanks to her first man, then she sort of deserves what she got, i.e. falling down from that height. That encounter was wrong. :-)

Another interpretation is more on the serious side. It is the idea that society has been flirting with higher and higher levels of debt and living above its needs (the first verse depicts the early days of this society; the 2nd verse up to about the beginning of 2008)... and now, the experience of the downward spiral of the worldwide economic collapse of 2009!]

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 88: On The Boulevard

On The Boulevard

A Renhai by Gillena Cox (gc) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

St Patrick's day;
green mangoes in between
the foliage. /gc

A tree with chinese lanterns — /gc
at dusk a slight breeze. /vs

Irish pub —
fewer glasses hanging
over the bar. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 87: An Encounter

An Encounter

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

The boy runs ahead,
pulling me by a long string —
I soar up-up-up... /vs

A violet friend comes near - /vs
we dive and glide together. /zh.r

Circling each other,
getting dangerously close —
down... down-down... /zh.r

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This Renhai is another in the "another's perspective" style and was written for young readers.]


Renhai Reflections 86: Pilgrim


A Renhai by Dr. Vidur Jyoti (vj) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Frozen pond —
a faint figure approaches
through the fog. /vs

Each pattern glitters — /vs
a name in the frosted window. /vj

Misty eyed
she bids farewell —
fading moon. /vj

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This Renhai was written with Dr. Vidur Jyoti who lives in India.]


Renhai Reflections 85: Keep Out

Keep Out

A Renhai by Karina Klesko (kk) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Crosswalk traffic —
three Hail Mary's on the way
to the other side. /kk

A tree's branches all bare — /vs
paint peels off the 'Keep Out' sign. /kk

No Smoking —
the "No" crossed out with
a felt marker. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[...another one from about a year ago. This one was written with Karina Klesko, one of the co-editors of Sketchbook.]


Renhai Reflections 84: The Sketchbook

Many of the Renhai and poems that appear in this blog are published in the Sketchbook. Sketchbook is an on-line poetry magazine that comes out every two months:


This month's edition features many of our recent Renhai:

Zhanna and I also finally completed a 36-verse "free" renku that we started almost a year ago:

You will also find Rengay from our last year's project called "Rengay Through The Seasons". This month the Rengay from last January and February and being featured:




Renhai Reflections 83: Again


A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Yesterday's puddles
polished by driven flakes —
parking lot.

Another snowy day —
the field path deepens.

Mall entrance —
wet prints track off
into the hallway.

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Just when spring felt like it was around the corner we got a week of every day of falling snow. This Renhai was therefore born out of this happy misery.]


Renhai Reflections 82: Against the Cold

Against the Cold

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Betty Kaplan (bk)
Written: April 16-20, 2008

Mountain hut —
we huddle around the one
cooking pancakes. /vs

Sheltered under a bridge — /vs
a homeless man finding warmth. /bk

Cold winter night —
she protects the outside plants
with plastic. /bk

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 81: Spring Signatures

Spring Signatures

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r)

Brier branch —
a tuft of hair from
a Speckled goat. /vs

Snow patches here and there — /vs
green arrows of daffodils. /zh.r

New grass —
her polka-dot dress
picks up a stain. /zh.r

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This is another early Renhai. I am presenting some of these from a year ago here now as they have not previously appeared in this blog.]


Renhai Reflections 80: Change of Plans

Change of Plans

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

The old oak —
a branch in the blizzard
falls to the ground.

The power cuts suddenly —
moonlight on snow outside.

Crackling fire —
embers flicker patterns
across her cheek.

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 79: Rubber Boots

Rubber Boots

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

A groundhog
emerges from its den —
last-year's yellow grass. /zh.r

Drips from melting snow — /vs
camellia buds plump out. /zh.r

A foot comes free
but the rubber stays stuck —
mud patch. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Here as another from last year; this one from around the time of groundhog day.]


Renhai Reflections 77: A Magic Ride

A Magic Ride

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

Late afternoon —
the sun warms this leaf,
my coloured floor.

A sudden breeze rises —
airborne across the yard!

Tumbling, flipping...
my magic carpet finds
a place to land.

Click here for notes and linking details:

[We had a few Renhai looking forward to Spring. This one looks back to Autumn. Note that this is in the style of "from their perspective" (in this case from a bug's).]


Renhai Reflections 77: Being Myself

Being Myself

I always like to go outside
When darkness fills the skies.
In flight, my ears are open wide,
And not my beady eyes.

I do not care for fancy snacks,
I'd sooner munch on flies.
And beetles found in nooks and cracks
Are quite a yummy prize.

When sun comes up I find the caves
To snooze the day away -
No time to catch more echo waves
For finding other prey.

While hanging upside-down to rest
From any rocky shelf,
I know I'll do my very best
To be... well, just myself.

[Here is a "who am I?" type children's rhyme I recently wrote, again with much help from Zhanna.]


Renhai Reflections 76: Along a Highway

Along a Highway

A Renhai by Betty Kaplan (bk) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

"Are we there yet?"
on the way to grandma's —
packages galore. /bk

A hitch-hiker holds a card — /vs
the dog's ears flap in the wind. /bk

A truck whizzes by —
the loose tarp exposes
a bed and chair. /bk

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This is another Renhai written about a year ago.]


Chattering Jay

A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Time to pay for
the dinner — he discovers
his wallet is gone. /vs

The snowman loses his nose — /zh.r
a jay chatters from above. /vs

New gossip
quickly spreads around —
the wife learns last. /zh.r

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This is a Renhai written about a year ago.]

Renhai Reflections 75: Chattering Jay

Chattering Jay
A Renhai by Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Time to pay for
the dinner — he discovers
his wallet is gone. /vs

The snowman loses his nose — /zh.r
a jay chatters from above. /vs

New gossip
quickly spreads around —
the wife learns last. /zh.r

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 74: Close to Home

Close to Home

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Up-turned cap —
a coin tossed in evokes
a solemn, "Thanks." /vs

A blanket under the tree — /vs
close by, a tattered coat. /jt

Street corner —
he begs for dog food,
pups at his feet. /jt

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 73: Paint-By-Sense


A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Three coffees later,
she checks to see whether
the painting has dried. /jt

Oil paints of red and blue — /vs
turpentine fills the air. /jt

A knock at the door —
she hides the wet canvas
between finished ones. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Check the notes for details about a secondary theme.]


Renhai Reflections 72: Reaching


A Renhai by Jerry McKenzie (jm) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

A rakish figure
leans a ladder to the wall —
campus dorm. /jm

A soldier waits for luggage — /jm
the boy reaches for a hug. /vs

Enamel bathtub —
a black beetle tries
to climb up. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Check the notes for the description of the incident that inspired this renhai.]


Renhai Reflections 71: Relaxed Embrace

Relaxed Embrace

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Hemlock branch —
a chunk of frost flowers
still attached. /vs;jt

Cattails at the pond's edge — /vs
a moat surrounds each stem. /jt

A warm breeze
slowly melts the ice —
a leaf springs free. /vs;jt

Click here for notes and linking details:

[With this post we offer a little more spring hope. The Renhai is also unique in a certain way. Check the notes for more information about this and about "frost flowers".]


Renhai Reflections 70: The Art of Painting

[Here is a solo Renhai that Janice wrote a few days ago. It was inspired by a Renhai that we were working on together (to be posted in a few days). Thank you Janice for contributing to our Renhai Reflections project.]

The Art of Painting
A Renhai by Janice Thomson (Solo)

Part of a tail
tints the drawing table —
painting ravens.

The twelve shades of black ink —
my brush finds the coffee cup.

Multiple strokes —
in the mirror, my face
a painting too.

Click here for notes and linking details:


Renhai Reflections 69: Barnyard Affairs

Barnyard Affairs

A Renhai by Janice Thomson (jt) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Hole in the fence —
a llama keeps guard over
newborn calves. /jt

Loud chirps from the barn — /jt
the cat slips through a window. /vs

The spring sun
melts snow off an old
cream separator. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[...still pining for spring...]


Renhai Reflections 68: Where There's Smoke

Where There's Smoke

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (vs) & Janice Thomson (jt)

I switch chairs
but more than the smoke
finds me again. /vs

The campfire's snap and crackle — /vs
Dad carves us hot-dog sticks. /jt

Ghost stories —
we hunt for dead branches
to add to the fire. /jt

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Janice was yearning for warmer days and so we wrote this Summer Renhai. Also, it is unique in that it is somewhat more narrative than usual, check the notes for details.]


Renhai Reflections 67: Upon a Log

Upon a Log

Upon a log there sat a frog
All day without a bite;
A fly came by to ask for pie,
"A piece," said Frog, "you might."

Now this dessert was made of dirt
And offered with some tea;
But when the fly perched on that pie,
Frog's tongue flicked out with glee.

Upon his face a smile did place
From ear to ear, until
A heron bird, from what I've heard,
Soon caught him in his bill.

[I recently joined a children's poetry newsgroup and tried my hand at writing a children's poem. This is my first result. Thanks to Zhanna P. Rader for inspiration and help with the metre and other technical matters.]


Renhai Reflections 66: Winter Reaches

Winter Reaches

A Renhai by
Janice Thomson (jt) & Zhanna P. Rader (zh.r) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Snow-laden woods —
my toque touches the end
of a pine bough. /jt

Bone-piercing cold — the click /zh.r
of her needles faster yet. /zh.r

Icy sidewalk —
his dog garbed with vest,
hat, and booties. /vs

Click here for notes and linking details:

[This is the second three-person renhai written, click on the notes for a description of how this one was written. Click here to view the first three-way written.]


Renhai Reflections 65: Making an Opening

Making an Opening

A Renhai by Jerry McKenzie (jm) & Vaughn Seward (vs)

Victorian mansion —
each tap of the doorknocker
echoes within. /vs

A pileated woodpecker /jm & vs
attacks a suckering birch. /vs & jm

The Lenin ice-breaker —
cracking ice peals across
the frozen sea. /jm

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Check the notes for more info about the pileated woodpecker and the Lenin ice-breaker.]


Renhai Reflections 64: At the Bottom

At the Bottom

A Renhai by Vaughn Seward (Solo)

A snowflake falls
haphazardly to the bottom —
country road.

A tear on her cheek —
the taxi recedes into darkness.

Bright white field —
the tip of some paper
barely appears.

Click here for notes and linking details:

[Note: this rengay is a translation from a Renhai I recently wrote in Esperanto.]